Monday, March 12, 2012

Meat Class System

How is it that in the year 2012 we are still living in a country with so much prejudice? I'm talking of course about the backward beef class system that we have in America. Who is to say that one piece of meat is prime, while another piece is standard? We should have moved past this a long time ago. What happened to "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all meats are created equal"? That document still means something doesn't it? There is meat out there that thinks it has greater value than some other meat, but steak can't control when and where it comes into this world. The great injustice of our nation is that once the USDA grades our meat then that meat is trapped in a vicious cycle. U.S. Prime meat heads off to a life of ease in our nicest restaurants while U.S. Canner heads off to a hard life as dog food. Have we all forgotten how inspired we were when we first heard the words, "I have a dream, that one day my meats will live in a nation where they will not be judged by their degrees of inter-muscular fat in the beef, but by the content of their flavor."

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